2024 Recap
Another year, another milestone
2025 marks the start of Revel's fourth year of operations, an exciting milestone. The business continues to grow with each passing year, both in the number of visitors we take on trips and in the number of locals who connect with us. We are particularly proud of the work we’ve done in the community and excited to see this part of Revel evolve.
Some exciting numbers from 2024:
Over 1,600 miles adventured (walked, hiked, biked, and skied!) with locals and visitors
Over 70 community events: hikes, skis, classes, and events for locals. About a third of these were free to our community. Free events are made possible by visitor trips and local sponsorships.
Our most popular visitor trip in 2024 was our Rocks, Rivers, and Glaciers trip - a guided hike up the Butte.
Our longest adventure was a backpacking trip in Wrangell St. Elias National Park, about 30 miles along Nabesna Road.
What will 2025 bring?
It’s always a bit of a mystery. Our hope for 2025 is to maintain our local impact while growing our visitor trips this coming year.
Exciting things in store for visitors include:
Historic walking tours of downtown Palmer
A Hatcher Pass hidden waterfalls guided hike
And - we’re excited to offer some lodging + adventure packages with BlueWater BaseCamp in Eklunta.
As a small business, we work very hard to leave a big impact.
Whether you’ve adventured with us or been a cheerleader from afar, thanks for your continued support.
See you on the trails in 2025,
Kierre & the Revel Crew